Oddisee – Odd Winter

25 01 2010

Man, we’ve got quite a week lined up on everydaymusic. Lots of good, free mixtape downloads. It starts today with Oddisee‘s Odd Winter, the third in his seasonal series. Spoiler alert: it’s good as fuck.

Odd Winter has 13 tracks, eight of which are instrumentals. The other five feature some dope artists, including a personal favorite of mine, Stik Figa. “Riiight” is the track that Stik is on, and he pretty much demolished the track. I was afraid my iPod was gonna explode from the sheer amount of linguistic domination. It didn’t. But it came damn close.

Of the instrumental tracks, “All Because She’s Gone” is probably my favorite. The interjecting horns are incredibly dope, and it’s just a brilliant beat. The entire time, I was imagining A Tribe Called Quest ripping this beat. “Blizzard of 09” is a really close second for favorite beat. It’s the last track on the mixtape and rightfully so. So sweet, so soulful, yet so ominous; a brilliant way to cap it off.

Honestly, I could waste your time and talk about every single track and how much I love it, but I figure I’ll let you get your ears on it. I guarantee you’ll love this mixtape. This is definitely my favorite of the seasonal series so far. We owe a huge thank you to Oddisee for making awesome music. (Oh, and if you don’t have the other two mixtapes in the series, get them: Odd Summer & Odd Autumn)

Download it.