Sidewalk Chalk

2 02 2010

Happy Groundhog Day. You should become a fan of everydaymusic on Facebook. You’ll be notified of all the updates, which generally include free downloads. It’s worth it. Either way, today’s focus is on a bunch of Chicagoans called Sidewalk Chalk.

Sidewalk Chalk is a jazz/hip-hop group I found through the message boards at Okayplayer. After listening to them, my first thought was, this group has to play in Montreal at the Jazz Fest. They offer lots of free live shows, and I really hope Sidewalk Chalk puts in a submission. I feel like they’d bring a whole new dimension to the Jazz Fest.

“Movement of the Mind” is probably their most popular song. You can download it for free on their Bandcamp page, and you can view the video they made for it. Their MySpace page has a lot of minute long samples of them playing live. It gives you a good feel for their live sound, which is impressive. Sidewalk Chalk also has a Facebook fan page, so you should be a fan. And while you’re at it, become a fan of everydaymusic.

I’m really looking forward to more music from Sidewalk Chalk. They seem like a legitimate jazz-hop talent, playing a game that has few players in this day and age.



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